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Memorandum Reviewing Feedback

Memorandum Reviewing Feedback

Q After studying Chapters (1, 16, 5,6,13,9,10), you should be able to apply ALL the Learning Objectives outlined in each chapter. Key Takeaway - Reviewing graded feedback should help you improve your planning/writing process for effective Business Messages. LO/S: Key Learning Objectives for this assignment. 5.3 Gather the right information and refine business ideas in the AIM planning process. 5.4 Develop your primary message and key points in the AIM planning process. 6.3 Describe and apply the components of the reviewing stage, including a FAIR test, proofreading, and feedback. Expected Outcome/Deliverable: Individual/Memorandum –One Page - Do NOT use (any) templates/Word Memorandum – See/Use the format guidelines below. Suggestions for Gathering Information to Prepare the Memorandum Before working on this assignment make sure to read/review the following. ALL Course’s Announcements ALL Course’s Textbook/ Chapters (1, 16, 5,6,13,9,10) Related Instructional Materials/ Video Lectures and PowerPoint with Note Pages Chapter13 - APA Documentation Style- Review Pages 408- 410/Table 13.3/APA Documentation and APA 7th Edition Course’s Textbook/Appendix/Figure B.1 Sample Memo/Page 561 Read/Think: Learning Objective (1.1)- Explain the importance of establishing credibility for business communications. Why Does This Matter: Think about your current academic performance as a declared business major. Are you thinking like a business communicator? How can reviewing feedback help you improve your business communication skills? Instructions: After completing the above activities - conducting business research – and - write a professional one-page memorandum using the AIM planning process to develop/explain your findings -apply the requirements below. Step 1 AIM Planning Process Required: The final product should be a - 1 page memorandum (no cover page) with 1- APA in-text citation and 1- reference used listed at the bottom of the document. The citation and reference must use the 7th edition APA Documentation Style. You can review APA Documentation Style - See course’s textbook page 410/Table 13.3 OR via the following link: Required/Format: Review the Model Document -See Appendix B –Figure B.1-Sample Memo. Important Reminder- The sample memo is for visual and formatting purposes. In reviewing, you should note, the content is not applicable. This means “you” will need to make “applicable” modifications given “your” assignment’s instructions and “your selected content coverage.” Some applicable modifications include but are not limited to the follow. DO NOT use a template with the word Memorandum at the top of your page. DO NOT place the word Memorandum as a header. DO NOT use the illustrated information in the sample Memo, i.e., Header (name of company) or Notations: Enclosures or Distribution. Required - 1 page (DO NOT Exceed), Apply the following - MARGINS -1 inch (top/bottom and sides). Move and Align the Heading (TO, FROM, DATE, SUBJECT) up (1 inch Top) –this will give you extra space to complete the assignment. To: Dr. Nealy rather than information illustrated in the sample Memo. Make sure to supply applicable information - From (Use Your Name of Record (First then Last), Date and Subject (use a descriptive subject line/it should clearly identify the topic and purpose). Required: FONT - Times New Roman-Size 12, and FORMAT - Use single space to format the body of each section/paragraph – THEN- Use 1.5 spaces between each section/paragraph (i.e. at the end of section/paragraph one – use 1.5 spaces THEN - go back to using single space for the body of section/paragraph two - at the end of section/paragraph two –use 1.5 spaces-then go back to using single space for the body of section/paragraph 3). Information Gathering and Message Development Step 1 – In the course's textbook- Go to Page 168- 5.6 Self- Assessment of Approach to Writing- Read and complete the short assessment. The assessment should provide insight (i.e., strengths and gaps) about your approach to writing. Once you have completed the short assessment- use findings from your assessments – to select (one) common error from the list below. Required: You must select one common error. Five Categories of Common Errors Content error- mistakes in the substance of a message, such as missing information outlined in the instructions. To avoid content errors, read instructions (make a list of all things that need to be included in the document and review your list) - then- apply LO 5.4 - Develop your primary message and key points in the AIM planning process. (Read course's textbook- Chapter 5) Spelling and keying/typing errors- spell check will not catch all errors, e.g., transposing letters and duplicating letters. You should proofread carefully for spelling errors, typos, double check numbers, and spellings of unfamiliar words. (Read course's textbook- Chapter 6) Usage errors - errors in the way language is used, see examples (Read course's textbook- Pages 555- 556 Table A.11). You should also use short and familiar words and phrases - avoid buzzwords and figures of speech. Grammatical errors- errors in grammar rules, such as subject-verb agreement or sentence fragments. Grammar checkers will not catch all errors. You should review grammar rules - to see a few additional key rules of grammar and other common writing issues - (Read course's textbook - Appendix A - Pages 541- 557). Format errors - inconsistencies in formatting within a document, such as different font sizes, styles of paragraphs, bullets that do not align correctly, citation and reference errors. (Read course's textbook Chapter 6 - AND - when (stated in the assignment's instructions)- Review model documents, e.g., letters, memorandums- See Appendix B - Pages 560-563). Step 2- Do NOT (just submit the results) of the self-assessment. You will need to produce an internal memorandum to your instructor. Required: Review/Apply Table 5:10 (See Page 160)-Avoid Relying Too Heavily on the I-Voice. The memorandum must have a short introduction/ first paragraph that presents the main idea/purpose and previews the following paragraphs. Examples to include in the first paragraph include: your major, summary of your self-assessment and identified common error. Required: DO NOT (1) presents the main idea using a list/bullet of the assessment results; (2) using the descriptions in the course’s textbook; or (3) using the descriptions of common errors listed below. After the introduction- organize the body (two paragraphs). You should have (three paragraphs when finished/1 Page Memo). The body - Paragraphs (two and three) should have paragraph headings. The headings should help to identify key ideas and navigate the document. The body must include three specific steps (with support/research) you will take to improve and benchmarks for checking your progress. Your memorandum must include one APA in-text citation from a scholarly journal article within your declared business major. *Required/Research: DO NOT use an article over five years old. DO NOT use the course’s textbook as a citation/secondary source/reference. DO NOT use the citation multiple times in the body. *You should ONLY cite the information from the article once in the body. DO NOT use over three lines of the information from the article to complete your in-text citation. DO NOT use other citations in the body. Research - *Business Source Complete- Go to W.I. Dykes Library Click Databases - Under Library Databases –Click B-Scroll Down to Business Source Complete –Click and Start your search. Use *Business Source Complete to locate discipline specific journals (your declared business major) - search topics related to (your declared major and selected common error). You should identify a business article (as outlined above) - specific to your declared major or applicable to ALL business majors in terms of expected industry/business writing (LO5.1/the goal of effective business messages and the process for creating them.) The article should provide specific information about your selected common error or information related to your selected common error in terms of approach to writing that should help avoid/minimize common errors focusing business messages/documents. The topics highlighted below are two examples of keywords useful for researching approach to writing - focusing on best practices for identifying common errors and applying improvement strategies. You can use other topics. 1. Review graded feedback on writing assignments (list repeated errors). Compile your findings and identify/use applicable resources (online, UHD Writing Center, etc.) to develop/improve your writing. 2. Writing preparation – select one of the following factors related to (when/where to write). Time management (balancing your responsibilities/plan a set time to write). Environment (select an environment that helps you focus). Interruptions (control your environment/turn off distractions/focus on your writing). Required: Read/Review/Apply Chapter 6: Improve Readability with Style and Design – Apply: LO 6.1, LO 6.2 & LO 6.3 – Before Submitting your assignment. Important - Submission Guidelines I make the below requests to help with timely return of documents. (Smile) Thank you for your cooperation. DO- Submit the assignment as an attached WORD file in the –Named Assignment (Memorandum Reviewing Feedback) Submission Box. Name the file- use your last name and Memo. (Ex. NealyMemoRF). DO NOTs - Please read - I will NOT accept the submission. Do Not PDF the assignment. Do Not cut/paste the assignment to the Submission Board. Do Not write a message in the Submission Board. Do Not submit the assignment via Course Message. Do Not submit the assignment via my university’s email. The due date/time for this (Individual) assignment is September 9, 2022 at 5:00PM. Please Note- I encourage you to submit in a timely manner rather than the last minute. Remember, technology happens the system will close as scheduled. I will not accept late work. Post Date 8/29/22

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The major idea here is to evaluate my self-assessment approach to writing to know the strength and gaps in the process. I scored 32 and got the category of a careful writer with good habits in preparation and the area that needed improvement was content error, which is always seen to be a major setback in my writings. The memorandum reviews different practices that can help to improve the process of writing proper content. Self-Assessment approach to writing – Error Identified After completing the self assessment approach to writing, scoring 32 and falling in the category of a careful writer,